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Barb Silo Peck Road-Goodell farm

Shalersville Veterans Memorial
We salute our veterans' past, present and future. - Army - Navy - Air Force - Marines - Coast Guard

Barn Silo Goodell Road-Marek farm

Barb Silo Peck Road-Goodell farm
The Board of Trustees meets in the Town Hall meeting room at 7:00 P.M. on the first Tuesday of each month and at 5:30 P.M. on the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings are located at the Shalersville Township Townhall (9090 State Route 44) and are open to the public.
Township History
The first settler arrived in 1806. Joel Baker, wife and child, spending their first night in a hollow tree.
By 1812, the settlement of Shalersville grew to the size that merited a separate township. The township was organized April 6, 1812. The number of votes cast was sixteen.
In 1814 there were then 16 families living in log houses. Most of these cabins were built sixteen feet by 20 feet. Stephen Mason added a grist mill. A small island marks the exact location of Mason's mill on Price Road.

The Historical Society's headquarters and museum are located in the house built by Samuel Eldridge in the 1820s.
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