Community Resources

Portage County
Portage County offers a variety of community resources for its residents.
To find out more, visit their website at:

Recreation Opportunities in Portage County
The Portage Park District manages over 2,000 acres and 14 miles of hike and bike trails.
For a guide to public and private recreation in Portage County, visit their website HERE

Water Resources
Portage County provides public water and wastewater services in order to preserve and promote the health and safety of the community.

Juvenile Center
Portage- Geauga County Juvenile Detention Center
8000 Infirmary Road
Ravenna, Ohio 44266

Shalersville Veterans Memorial
Located at the Town Hall on the corner of State Route 303 and State Route 44.
We salute our veterans' Past, Present and Future.
Army ~ Navy ~ Air Force ~ Marines ~ Coast Guard

Animal Shelter & Dog Warden
Information and assistance with our 4-legged friends can be found at:

Justice Center